So 60,000 people have signed the petition to reverse the funding cuts and the result will be?
Nothing of course. I mean seriously, are these politician is going to listen to a bunch of whinging lefties? Nice idea, but a strike might have been more effective in knocking some 'proven educational outcomes' into an ideologically driven Tolley who really knows fuck-all about education apart from the chingching. Can you imagine how the media would demonise ECEC teachers if they went on strike? Pure evil, only thinking of ourselves of course, and the hassle to working parents! Christ this could kick start the downfall of capitalism if all the working Mums and Dads had to stay home...
ECEC teachers have no idea of their collective power. We've been fucked over for so long as we plod along doing 'women's work' thankful we get a wage at all as MOST MUMS DO IT FOR FREE EH!!
One of the many downsides to the creeping corporatism of the ECEC sector is the loss of autonomy for teachers. Technocrats doing as our master say.
Well as you know, I've got plenty to say.
I'm not sure how much demonisation there would be, and if there were, it may not be all that successful. From what I recall when it comes to teacher strikes, the average person on the street is usually supportive to the underdog, and not outright hostile.
I agree. Perhaps it should say that demonisation will flow from the corporate media and not your average Kiwi....
but on saying that I can remember last year in Christchurch there were a lot of fucked off people when the Primary school teachers were striking...
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