'Better Work Stories' was the basis of an extensive marketing campaign by the New Zealand Police that brags about the excitement and satisfaction you would get from beating up drunk teenagers and being a general power-obsessed fuckwit as they tend to all be.
The phrase came up the other day when I was talking with a friend about the deep pleasure we get when a 18 month-old baby sidles up to you and squeezes onto your lap for a cuddle or to read a book. Just knowing how much they trust you and feel safe, being able to put your arms around a young child, to laugh and talk with them, point out the world about and make up silly words and stories...
What a great job. I have the best work stories - and a lot of them involve poos and wees!
So to paraphrase millions of angry youth the world over: Fuck the Police. Fuck your violence, your power-over, your protection of the rich and oppression of the poor.
Cuddles not Handcuffs!
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